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  1. Are online certifications worth it?

    Are Online Certifications Worth It?

    Categories: Online Certificates

    Alongside a traditional college degree and self-taught education, online certifications represent a major opportunity for students seeking six-figure careers.

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  2. female student beginning a cybersecurity career

    How Do I Start a Cybersecurity Career?

    Categories: Cybersecurity Bootcamp

    Skills like compliance analysis, programming, network security, ethical hacking and data recovery contribute to six-figure cybersecurity careers.

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  3. man studying school work before work shift

    Balancing Employment and Education

    Categories: Project Management

    To find a good balance between education and employment, stay organized, establish priorities, aim for sustainability and remember your end goal.

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  4. man studies an online self-paced education bootcamp on his laptop

    What is Self-Paced Education?

    Categories: Project Management

    Self-paced education differs from traditional education in that students are empowered to complete courses according to their own timelines.

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  5. Student studying using effective study habits while on her couch

    22 Study Tips for More Effective Studying

    Categories: Project Management

    Organization, rewriting notes, studying every day and other study tips can help students pursue academic excellence.

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  6. three students sitting on stairs discussing academics

    7 Tips for Finding a Next-Level Academic Advisor

    Categories: Project Management

    Academic advisors are very different from umbrellas. One is typically the employee of a college or university, and can help you make decisions that affect your professional future. The other is an umbrella.

    Still, umbrellas and most academic advisors have one thing in common: We forget they exist until we need them.

    No matter how amazing an umbrella might be, you likely keep yours stashed away in a closet or a trunk — until it rains. When it rains, you reconcile with your umbrella in an attempt to stay dry.

    Similarly, most students tend to forget about their academic advisor until it’s time to register for classes. While all students — in-person or remote — typically have access to an academic advisor, far fewer will take advantage of the resources their advisor offers.

    Academic advisors serve as a go-to resource for so many things a student might need: Career guidance, professional mentorship, study outlines, even connections to obtain scholarships or financial aid that makes education even more affordable.

    So, what makes a good academic advisor?

    We’re so glad you asked.

    Not all academic advisors are created equal. You’re looking for an academic advisor who can provide clarity and critical guidance, helping you navigate a sea of possible course and career opportunities to find the ones that vibe with your goals. A quality academic advisor provides peace of mind when you need it, as an advocate in your corner who helps you steer toward the future you deserve.

    We typically emphasize a few qualities when speaking to students about finding a great academic advisor. We’ve included what we believe are the 7 most important things to look for in an academic advisor below.

    You can thank us later.

    1. Positivity

    You’ll begin your college career with a few challenges ahead of you. Look for an academic advisor who is eager to help you scale any hurdle you’

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  7. Manage Academic Stress

    Your Guide to Navigating Academic Stress

    Categories: Cybersecurity Bootcamp

    Time management, self-care, support groups and commitment management can all help you manage academic stress in productive ways.

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